Everyone’s a Coach Now
We are experiencing a proliferation in the Coaching industry. You can have a life coach, a business coach, a spiritual coach, a health coach, parenting coach, and many other niche coaches for whatever part of your life makes you feel inadequate. No disrespect intended to the Coaching industry, just making some observations on the explosion in this arena.
Coaches are sometimes certified, sometimes not, and the origin of the certification varies widely when they do have it. Some have a college degree, others don’t.
I think the coaching industry has grown from two simultaneous happenings:
- First, people want to take their experience to teach others, and they don’t want to have to do that in a corporate environment. The vast majority of coaches are independent business owners, who feel the desire to be an entrepreneur, not an employee. Their desires and actions have driven one half of the explosion.
- Second, individuals are seeking coaches for a number of reasons. They are less grounded with family, and feel widely separated from their parents in their needs, and people now are more likely to listen to a professional than to a friend on many topics. There is so much information out there on virtually any topic, that you can research answers to any problem and find completely conflicting information, telling you to do two completely opposite things. Much of the available information is provided with advertising in mind, so it is hardly objective. Individuals feel that coaches are more objective in recommending possible solutions or helping them sort through the confusion of information.
Our world is changing radically, and it is having a profound influence on the kinds of services people will pay for, and the kinds of services people want to offer.
The explosion in the coaching industry is just one of the areas where changes are visible.
Doing Much Better With Only One Blog
I dumped them. Just let them go completely. They are still out there lurking in blogland, but they no longer make me feel guilty when I don’t update them.
One I started to promote classes. Seemed like a good idea at the time, and given the name of one of the classes, it was suitable. Didn’t get used much though, and I quickly ran out of topics – I think I’ll eventually open this one to other instructors.
One was for SEO. A friend said she wanted to do an SEO Blog. So I set it up. She posted once, and left me holding the bag. I kept it up, posting every other day for several months. It is a compendium of SEO commentary that has value. But I’ve run dry on the topic, having tackled it from almost every angle that applies to small business. So I walked away. Eventually, if I think of something that needs to go in it, I may update it occasionally, but I no longer feel obligated to do it.
The third was for a blogging community. It will eventually sustain itself, so I let it go also. I’ll post if I feel the desire, but otherwise, it can just fend for itself.
This blog is me. I jokingly say of Frumpy Haus Frau, that it is the one place I can completely be myself online. That the header is really ME, and in fact it is, because my son drew that. I usually have more kids lurking in the background than that, but even that is declining all the time (sniff!). This one deals with the topics that I most like to write about though, and I can pretty much go off in any direction and it still fits.
The weight really lifted. Now I just have two major sites to keep rolling forward with, and six more in various stages of development. Much more manageable!
I can mostly keep up with just one. Sometimes fall behind though.
Life Begins With Just One Thing
It is the key to getting out of under a mire of dreaded tasks. It is the trick to crawl out from under too much to do. It is the antidote to panic, and the retort to confusion.
Just one thing. Just do the next thing, the hard thing, the most important thing. Dive in and do.
When faced with a pile of yucky tasks (why do we always let them pile up?), just do one. If you do one a day, they evaporate rather rapidly, and the list is usually only long because we’ve procrastinated for weeks!
When life overwhelms you with more things to do in the day than you can possibly do, then select the most important thing, and get it done, then select the next most important. By the end of the day, it may not all be done, but you know the critical stuff has been taken care of.
I’ve talked to many business owners and moms who have felt like that. I’ve counseled them to select the most important task, and get it done, then select again. Many have come back later to say they DID get it all done after all, just by getting rid of the paralysis and doubt and doing it. Sometimes we also need to relieve ourselves of the burden of never measuring up, in order to achieve more than we know we can. Just focusing on the task at hand, which we know we CAN do, lets us move forward without worrying about the other stuff that doesn’t matter while we are doing THIS.
We can only really do one thing at a time anyway. So all that other stuff doesn’t matter until the time comes to do it, at which time it becomes the center of our focus and efforts. One shovelful at a time, you can move a mountain, but only if you focus on hefting each load, and not on the size of the mountain.
Just do what comes next.
Networking Vampires
On every forum or networking venue, these people lurk, waiting for fresh victims, new groups to attack. Then they swoop down, and blast their ads all over any space that is made available for them to do so, effectively attempting to suck the blood out of the other members. There for what they can TAKE.
They feel that any forum is there for them to advertise to. Every post an opportunity to self-promote, every spot they can leave a note, nothing more than a place for self-serving purposes.
Nobody loves a vampire. Online, this kind of person inspires boredom, disgust, a sort of gloomy dread, but never admiration. No one bothers purchasing from them, because they give nothing to make anyone feel the desire to do so!
Networking WORKS, when you GIVE first. You give kindness, encouragement, advice (when you are sure of your information), resources even when they are not your own, and you develop truly respectful friendships. Therein lies the power of networking.
I had three experiences this week that let me know that giving is what does it.
I was selected as the Member of the Month for an organization. Many people who chimed in to congratulate me, were people I barely knew the names of – but they felt they knew me, simply because I’d posted something of value that they’d appreciated, and because I volunteer for the organization in a visible capacity.
I also finally decided to try out another networking venue. When I did so, I was amazed at the number of people that connected with me, whom I had no idea felt that they knew me, and who put notices on my profile saying so. They had read my posts for years, and I had no idea that anyone had been influenced by them in the way they said.
The third instance consisted of someone who needed a web designer in a hurry. This person said that when they knew they needed one, they knew they wanted to work with me, because of something I’d said, and because of other exposures they’d had to what they felt was good counsel from me. I did not know the person, but they felt they knew me, just because I’d been there, and I’d said something good.
I’m no champion networker. I’m often selfish and don’t get it right more than I do get it right. But by a consistent desire and effort to better the lives of others on the forums in which I participate, people feel they know me, and many respect what I say enough that when they have a need, they come to me first. If I’d splattered ads, they’d feel that I was selfish, and only there for what I could get. I want to help people though… that is what I put as my first goal in networking, and the business comes from that, because in my line of work, helping people is what it is all about anyway.
It isn’t that hard to find ways to say something nice. Sometimes it takes some thought or practice, but it DOES pay you back in time, and when it does, it is surprising how it does so!
The Ebb and Flow of Feeling Harried
Periodically, I realize I’ve taken on too much. Then I go through a phase of decluttering where I reassess my priorities and reorganize the demands on my time. It usually takes about six months before I’m back where I started because the natural result of decluttering is to see lots of empty space just waiting to be filled – and work just seems to fill it easier than timewasters do.
Is that a bad thing? Some would think so. I’m not so sure it is. Yeah, it isn’t nice to feel harried. But when I’m juggling a lot of things, I get more done. Really. I am at my best when sprinting. And those extra things I take on temporarily sure teach me a lot. They broaden my experience in ways that give value back to my clients.
We listened to a presentation by a bootstrap expert a few months ago. He said that to be successful, a bootstrap business pretty much had to run understaffed. Everybody had to meet their potential and then some, and there was no room for overstaffing, for anybody to have to fill time. We find that this is true. We have to juggle work, and we all have to stay busy. If we don’t, then we run into a deficit really fast, because payroll ends up being the largest single expense for a small startup.
It is often very hard to balance all the business needs – marketing and networking, client work, product prep for the future, presentations and teaching, development of our own sites, development of client resources, etc. Client work of course is the most important, but those other things have to be done also, or the business runs into a wall later.
I’ve come to understand that for me, I’ll probably always wash in and out like the tide between too busy, and not busy enough. And I’ve come to understand that it isn’t bad – it allows me to experience many things I’d not experience otherwise, and it helps me to learn how to prioritize when necessary.
Hidden Roads and Unseen Futures
There are two kinds of people in this world:
- Those who look at the past, and understand that if a road has always lead to a specific destination in the past, that it is likely to lead there again, and again, and again.
- Those who look at the past, and assume that because of their personal charm, unrealistic desires, or ignorance of the facts, that the road will lead somewhere else for them than it did for someone else.
Now, I’m not talking about creativity, doing it different, or taking a failed idea and changing something to make it different.
I’m talking about historic, social, moral, political, familial, and business patterns that form rules within which we must work. And if we step outside those rules, there WILL be consequences just as there have been for every other person, society, or group, which tried it.
It is like looking at a Map of the US, and heading North to get to Mexico. You won’t get to Mexico, you will get to Canada. To assume that just by “believing”, or sheer bull headedness that you can get to Mexico by heading North, is purely illogical unless you want to circle the globe. And that, my friend, is taking the long way, and is more likely to end in failure, and CERTAIN to involve unnecessary pain and hardship.
There is all kinds of flexibility for individuality within the rules, but if you want to reach a certain destination, you do not head off blindly or contrarily in the opposite direction. If a certain road has always lead to a certain destination, the wise study it out, and follow the road that goes there. The foolish wander off in other directions, scratching their heads, wondering what went wrong.
The real problem is figuring out what the rules really are – where the map really is pointing. There is a lot of conflicting information on all subjects in this day and age. Which is the real map? Which guide is telling the truth about their experience? Because it takes a lot more than believing to get somewhere. You have to believe in something that is actually true, and you have to act in a way that carries out the required steps to achieve what you want to achieve, whether it is a monetary goal, a spiritual goal, or a personal goal.
Adjusting to Yet Another Laptop
I bought a new laptop in November of last year. Used to Dells, the HP was not quite up to speed – in more ways than one.
Within 6 months, the trackpad had a hole worn in the surface, apparently built more to be a toy than a heavily used tool. It did have a nice feature or two, as well as some things which bugged me regularly, like the CD drive that was on the right side, which required that I move the Wacom tablet every time I inserted or removed a disk. A real issue when burning stacks of CDs for an event.
The computer was woefully under supplied in the resource department also. It wasted my time every day in ways I could count, and for which there was a very real cost. So we reluctantly concluded that another laptop was in order, and back to Dell we went.
The new one arrived today. A nice slot loading CD drive, discouragingly located on the right side! But at least they did not locate the earphone plugs in the region of my navel like the HP had – made recording instructional videos a bit painful! The HP did have two charming features which I was loath to part with, so I ordered them on the new one as well – the built-in webcam (easier to cut in bits for training videos), and the twin hard drives. I also ordered a new frill – the fingerprint scan lock. We shall see how THAT works out, but we do feel a need for more security given the amount of confidential information that a website designer is required to store on a computer.
I also ordered a copy of PC Mover, with the hopes that it will speed the transfer of all my STUFF between computers, and shorten the setup time. It is two hours into the massive data transfer via USB cable, and tells me it has 6 hours to go. Of course, 3 hours ago it told me it had 14 hours to go, so we can hope that it will be done before bed time tonight.
In our business, we do end up having to replace laptops about once a year, or every two years at the outset. It is our corporate policy to use laptops instead of desktops to encourage mobility. The one time killer is the switch over to the new one. Usually it takes days to finally let go of the old one. I’m typing this on the new one while the transfer goes on in the background – they discourage this kind of behavior, but I cannot do NOTHING while two computers just talk to each other. I have too much to do, including blog posts for four blogs.
So I am killing time, doing the only things I can do while it moves my files – Catching up on the writing.
Friends and Family, and Becoming the Business
You finally decided what you want to do, and you are all excited about it. You tell your family, and they may get excited at first, or not, but even if they do, they seem to forget all about it right away. You rarely get an enthusiastic or supportive response from them unless one of them is going in with you on it.
This is puzzling to people, they don’t understand why the people who ought to believe in them don’t. And it isn’t that at all – they are just waiting to see if it is really important to you, and if you are really going to do it.
I’ve been a web designer for more than 8 years, and yet it has only been in the last few years that I can talk about “my business” to some family members and have them even remember what it is that I do! Some friends have been the same way – waiting to see if I AM the business, before they believe that I HAVE a business.
To get them to take you seriously, you have to get over the hump and take yourself seriously! Business owners reach a point that I call “being the business”. When the business becomes part of who they are, not just something they are trying on for size. It weaves into their life, they carry business cards anywhere, they think about business on and off through everything, in the same way they do their kids, house, car, garden, etc. It is just part of the whole person, instead of something they turn on and off.
When you get to that point, your friends and family KNOW you have a business, because it is there in front of them all the time. They come to visit and you are working and sometimes you can take time off, sometimes you have a deadline, and they have to wait. They call, and you have only a little time before you have to get back to work. They see your car, and it is branded with your business. They go somewhere with you and see you in conversation with a prospect. They attend the local fair and see you at your booth. It takes all those repetitions of things they see as being “serious” before they believe YOU are serious.
So first, BE serious about it, long term. Then the acknowledgment, and eventually, the support will come.
A Little Rant About Joomla
Joomla is a content management system – hereafter called, a “CMS”, in the grand tradition of techie acronyms which confuse the uninitiated. It is a “fork” of Mambo – another CMS. The codebase (like the foundation on a house) for Mambo, was older, and built before coders had figured out that there were ways to do it that made it more sustainable (again, like a house built before there was such a thing as a building code).
So the Joomla team fairly quickly realized they’d have to rebuild a good deal of the codebase if they wanted to continue to improve the CMS in ways that users needed to have it improved. They worked on this for years, and last January, they released Joomla 1.5 to the community at large.
I’m somewhat puzzled by the response of many within the community. There are now two versions of Joomla – 1.5, and the older 1.0. There are people who cling to 1.0 as though it has a future. Yet anyone could see, the minute Joomla 1.5 was released, that it sounded the death knell for Joomla 1.0. At that point, it was no longer wise to build a new site in 1.0 – why do so when you’d just have to rebuilt in a year or so when 1.0 became unsustainable? Not a good choice to make for myself, or on behalf of a client. (We ended up starting over on two contracts in order to put them into 1.5, and will be migrating the ones that were too far along at the time to rebuild easily.)
Yet we still have people building new sites in 1.0, clinging stubbornly to the past. There are a few RARE instances where the necessary new components are not yet ready, but for the most part, there is now as much available for 1.5 as for 1.0, and many things available for 1.5 that are not available for 1.0.
The best templates are compatible only with 1.5. Some of the best new extensions are available for 1.5 exclusively.
We went out on a limb with a few contracts, building in 1.5, on the expectation that the extensions we needed would be available by the time we needed them. This has proven to be the case – all have been updated in time for us to use them with 1.5, or we have been able to locate alternates.
Most extensions (except a few rare ones) are now either compatible with 1.5, or being rewritten to be compatible with 1.5. Most coders have abandoned further progress for 1.0. The majority of new sites have been built in 1.5 for the last several months, and smart designers are migrating sites on a consistent basis. A few coders have delayed releasing versions that were compatible with 1.5, and new coders have come in to fill their place with 1.5 compatible alternatives.
What I do not understand is why the holdouts did not see this coming. Why they still foolishly cling to a system that will no longer be improved, instead of rebuilding their sites in 1.5 and moving forward. Yes, I know a few have compatibility issues, and I am fully aware of the issues in moving a very large site. I’ve done it – not once, but about 5 times now. Each site took between 2 and 20 hours, depending on the complexity of the site. I did a lot of hand database recoding on sites that could not be migrated using the migration tool. Even with it, I had additional work to do to get it right in 1.5.
I didn’t really want to move forward in this way either. It is a pain in the nether regions to have to rebuild a large site. But it is preferable to do it on my time now, than to be forced to on someone else’s schedule later. And I just cannot see saddling a client with the cost of building now, an rebuilding later, when a little wisdom on my part would eliminate the need for a rebuild.
There is no room in technology for standing still. Sure, you don’t have to use it all, but when you depend on a structure like Joomla, and it is clear that one option has a future, and the other does not, it is time to get on board and learn to work in the future instead of the past.
Sometimes it Makes Me Want to Cry
The opportunity was a good one. It would mean a lot of business coming our way. There was only one problem with it. I couldn’t do it.
Just three weeks before I had been railing at the cruelty of prospective clients who cannot see our potential to be more than what our average client wants – they look at our average sites, and assume we cannot do anything but average, when in fact, we can. We do a lot of $500 websites. A $500 website is not the same thing as a $1500 website, or a $4000 website, though we can do those too. I can say with a fair amount of certainty that we cannot do a $10,000 website (except in certain circumstances). Certainly, something within that scope would require that we do something that we are not qualified to do.
The opportunity was potentially in the $10,000 category (not price-wise… more like expectation-wise). A lot of potential $10,000 opportunities. To which I had to say, “I don’t think I can do this.” That made me want to cry.
It has to do with expectations. I can build a $10,000 website. In fact, I can build a better website for $10,000 than what many designers can build for $15,000. But someone who pays $10,000 for a website generally wants something different than someone who pays $500 for a website. Oh, there are clients who NEED a $10,000 website that is exactly what I usually build, only with more function. We aren’t talking about them. We are talking about the ones who need that extra value in just a few specific areas – either high end graphics, optimized to the teeth, or high security (comparatively). Those are things I cannot do. I can do all of those things up to about a 5 on the scale of 1-10. Most of our clients only need a 2.
But our clients expect to live in the realm of compromise. LOTS of compromise. They need it to WORK, but they know that if the positioning of that tiny thing, or the name of the item on that form, or the appearance of the admin area of the site isn’t appealing to them, that they can live with it. That the site is going to work anyway. They are content with the 10% of everything that gets them 90% of the results because they know that is what they can afford, it is what they need, and they are getting higher value than they can get anywhere else.
Expectations for higher end clients are different. They want those tiny details attended to, even if those tiny details are just preference issues, even if those tiny details don’t affect customer conversions, and even if those tiny details cost more to fix. They want perfection. They pay for the right to expect it. They REQUIRE it in some areas that I don’t have the training to be able to deliver.
If I did decide to learn to do those jobs, I’d lose my ability to deliver what I specialize in now. I don’t want to get out of that box. Oh, I do want to push the envelope sometimes – to get a client now and again that isn’t having to pinch every penny so tightly that it leaves a dent. Not a lot, just one or two here and there. Just a little dessert with the bread and butter.
So I told them my limits, even though it almost hurt to tell them that. I told them that they’d probably be better off with someone who could do it all for them, and how it would probably work best. Within minutes, the reply came – at least the first opportunity was within our skillset. They wanted us on the job.
I don’t have to cry this time. I may cry in a few weeks when the first big challenge hits, but today, I’m singing, because an impossibility became an opportunity that I’d been asking for.
Business, The Lord’s Way
There are few startup owners that I can really speak openly to, about the best way to choose a home business option, because I am not certain of whether they will accept a religious take on it. But this is my first advice, to anyone who is open to receiving it:
Look around you, and find a need for something that you know the Lord will approve of. Ask Him to help you find the need that He wants you to fill. Business is always about meeting needs when it is done right, and when you go about meeting the needs that the Lord desires for you to meet, it takes care of YOU, too. If you ask that, then you don’t need to choose based on feasibility or earnings potential, or skills, or anything else. You choose based on what He inspires you to choose. THEN you go back and ask Him how to make it feasible, how to develop a revenue generation plan that works, how to hone your skills to do it, etc. He can move mountains, He can also help us get the right thing, and then help us work out the necessary practical details to make it work.
I can’t tell you if you should start a business. But I do know that if the Lord desires for you to do something, it is His wisdom that you do it, even if it looks like you don’t need it. I felt inspired to seriously build our business just six months before Kevin (husband) was laid off. Anyone looking at us from the outside would have said that for Kevin to go into this business was absurd, and that it would never work. But I knew it was inspired, so we did it. Only now is the wisdom of that inspiration coming to light – as Kevin is finally able to pull out skills that he did not know he had, and that he has fought for so long.
I chose based on my existing talents, which pointed me in a direction that helps other people. See, it isn’t about marketing a business. I didn’t look around and say, “Oh gee, the world needs another web designer!”. It is about helping a business owner succeed so they can care for their family. In this day, when it is becoming increasingly difficult to survive, and to afford to care for children, my purpose is to enable families to live. THAT is the purpose of helping businesses. I chose web design because it looked like there was a need for one that specialized in helping people in the low end, by offering more affordable options within a specialization that did not exist until we created it. We help them succeed in their business, but we also help keep them from being cheated, and my business allows me to learn how to teach others to spot scams, and to teach ethics and honesty in my profession. Those are all things the Lord approves of. It isn’t about web design. Web design is a skill, which allows me to help others.
Where is the hole in the lives of people around you, that is not being met by existing businesses?
You may not be able to answer that for some time, you may need some additional business exposure first. But if you are inspired to follow this kind of course, a thought will begin growing, and you’ll put the pieces of reason together into something that fills a great need, and that reaches beyond just a goal of learning and earning.
I know that when you seek not just a business, but a means of serving the Lord IN the business, a miracle happens, and a niche forms, and a wondrous thing comes of it.
The Monday Mire
Ok, so its Tuesday. Monday is generally a mire of weekend catch up. Most clients discover problems, or think to contact us about the next step, or want the report for the week before, on Monday. And that is when any procrastination from the week before catches up with us too!
I rarely get everything done that I plan on Mondays. Blogging gets shoved aside if I have not blogged ahead. That is why I am writing about the Monday Mire, on Tuesday!
I recently discovered a great task manager, which is perfect for MicroBusinesses, and this Monday was a little better organized due to that task manager. But it was still a bit hectic – I added a lot of new tasks!
I can deal with Mondays being hectic, as long as I have my Sundays. The worst weeks are those in which emergencies occur on Sundays. I then hit Mondays half-charged. No fun! God was pretty smart when He commanded us to take a day of rest – though I find it ironic that He had to COMMAND us to do something so helpful!
Monday is past for this week, and tomorrow, I’m sure, will be Friday, and I’ll wonder where Wednesday and Thursday went!