Credit or Blame

If a client makes money this week from their website, I get a thank you, and raving compliments. If a client site slumps and doesn’t earn, I take the blame for providing them with a lousy website. That is the drawback of being a web professional – good, or bad, we get the credit or blame.

Problem with that is that we can only influence some things. A client just re-hired us to rework some on-page copy, and some title and description tags. Two years ago, she came to me with a site that had just tanked in Google. We went through and recommended some very simple changes. Two weeks later, she was at the top of Google again, where she stayed. I can’t really say that what we did even had any effect. It is possible that Google would have put her back anyway. But we got the credit, and more work because of it.

Early on in the web game, I realized that we could not just build a site and walk away. That if we did not continue to do some hand holding and to be there to help with traffic issues, not just design and technical issues, that we’d lose clients long term. So we started to figure out how to offer that stuff long term. Our client sites work much better when they know they can come to us for stats analysis and marketing suggestions any time. And we might as well throw in some simple stuff with our maintenance fee, because the fact is, if we don’t, we get the blame when the site fails to earn, and we lose clients in droves, and have a harder time getting more, as opposed to when they WORK, and clients recommend new clients.

So I realize there are some things that I SHOULD take the blame for, and many things I can influence.

I do find it amusing though, when things just happen, over which I did not actually have control, and I get the compliments or complaints.

Marketing to a Narrow Niche

Niche marketing has really buzz over the last few years, with many marketers claiming that it is a more effective way of marketing. Niche marketing means you select a facet of a market, and serve that market only. I agree that it is something that can be effective for very small businesses, but it also has limits that need to be understood if you really want to make money at it.

For the most part, niching is something that happens naturally. Oh, a few people have to consciously think about it to do it, but most only have to think about it to figure out the niche they already occupy. Most niches are what they are – you can’t easily broaden or narrow them. A product or service works for the people it works for. Good niching just identifies that accurately and then maximizes the potentials.

Very narrow niches are difficult to market for. And often, you can’t broaden the niche just because you’d like to. If it doesn’t exist, you can’t create it. Let me explain through an example:

  • We sell a piece of software for Webmasters. Ok, BIG target market, right? Well, maybe .1% of the population could conceivably be classed as a Webmaster, or Web Designer. With a world population rounded to 7,000,000,000, we have a nice fat number to start with. .1% = 7,000,000
  • The most likely people to want this are self-employed Webmasters, or very small web companies. So chop that number by 80%. That gives us 1,400,000.
  • Our software is ONLY for Webmasters who also sell hosting. We just chopped another 90% off of our market base. This leaves 140,000.
  • It is also ONLY for those who use Cpanel hosting. So we just whacked another 60% off the previous total for a remaining number of 56,000.
  • And, it is only for those who use a specific billing manager – WHMCS. We just reduced the last total to about 10% of what it was, leaving 5600 people.
  • Of that total, only a fraction – perhaps 20%, will be in a position to WANT the software we have – they will want the automation feature we provide. 1120 brave souls.
  • Probably 30% of those people will think to look for it, about 1/3 will try to code their own, and another third will want it but think it does not exist so they won’t look. 336 people left.
  • Of those, about 1/3 will actually be prepared to PAY for a solution. Most want one free (it doesn’t exist, but it doesn’t keep them from stubbornly claiming that they should not have to pay for it). That leaves about 111 if we round off.

So at any given time, we may have about 111 people worldwide who are ready and willing to buy the thing we have, IF we can reach them and let them know that we have it. Finding 111 people in a world of 7 billion people is a difficult thing to do! The amazing thing is that we do actually make sales with this software.

But the niche is very tight. Even if we promote where they are likely to hang out, we still have a low chance of locating them, because they are always just a small portion of the people there. It makes marketing it difficult.

So why do we do it? Because we need the software, so we have to develop and maintain it anyway. We might as well sell it to those few people who do need it.

Can we broaden the niche? Perhaps. We could code a version for Plesk. This might increase our market base by 30-50%. Is it worth it? Recoding the app for a second version would cost us several thousands of dollars, and might give us only 1-2 sales per month (at around $300 per sale). We’d have additional ongoing development and maintenance costs as well, which might in themselves offset the profits. We don’t NEED a Plesk version, we don’t use Plesk, so our motive for doing it anyway is gone.

Niching is a good way to differentiate a business, but it is important in doing so that you make sure there is enough of a target market to actually promote to and earn from. Otherwise it can be very difficult to profit from your niche.

Finding Yourself and Your Customers in Your Marketing

I have long told my clients, “You are your biggest asset in your business, and in marketing.” I believe that the strengths of an individual point naturally to marketing methods and messages. When you maximize those, marketing is both easier and more effective. When you work against them, things become hard, and less successful.

A client of ours recently married. Her new last name was one that she felt uncomfortable in – she did not care for it, felt it was not necessarily a good image for her business. She had pondered and reached deep into herself to come up with a business name and imagery. She felt that what she had suited that vision.

She hired a marketing coach to help her to generate some clients. The first thing he told her is that she needed to rename her business, to her last name. He felt it was unusual enough to be memorable and that she should capitalize on it. He also told her to revise her business images, and totally rebuild it. She came back to me and asked me my opinion.

I disagreed with the marketing pro. It had nothing to do with his expertise, but with HER. He may have known how to get clients for himself, but he did not know her, and he did not seem to want to. I reminded her that she disliked her last name, but she loved her business name and felt it reflected a part of herself. That her business name was what she felt inspired to call it. I did not feel that she would be able to confidently go out there and promote her business if it was gutted of the very vision she had felt so strongly that she needed to promote. Her business name and imagery was wrapped up in who she is, and in the purpose of what she does. I felt if she removed those things, that she would be decapitating her business vision, and would remove her own ability to even do it any more. I also felt that in the event that it did work, it might bring clients to her that were not the ones she wanted to be working with.

My gut feeling about the marketing pro was that he was uncomfortable with who she was. That he wanted to remake her into a clone of himself, because that was the only success path he could envision. He did not understand that there are many ways to market, and many ways to succeed, and he simply could not get far enough outside himself to see who she really was, or to perceive any part of her as a strength, nor to be able to counsel her on how to USE her inborn strengths. He said that her site was wrong for the entire market she was aiming for – but the market was very diverse, and the messages were only wrong for the segment HE preferred. It was less a matter of it being wrong for the market than it was of his lack of ability to even SEE that portion of the market. She did not want the same customers he did, and he could see no value in any other.

I feel that when we create a business vision that is part of who we are, that it will naturally attract people whom we will be able to help, whereas when we use marketing methods that are not in line with our beliefs and personality, we are likely to end up with customers or clients that are a poor fit, even if we do manage to get any. Being who we are and stretching within that, is the best tool we have.

It doesn’t mean we don’t have to learn marketing skills. We do. But we learn skills and methods that are in harmony with our personality. When we stretch, we don’t go outside who we are, we simply extend our strengths. Over time, we become a new person, but it is a magnification of the best in us, not being rebuilt in someone else’s image.

You do have to step outside your comfort zone. But you still do it by being yourself. You don’t do it by trying to be someone else. The Lord has blessed us each with strengths, and expects us to use them. In order to use them successfully in business, you have to identify them, and then magnify them in ways that help you in reaching your goals. When you look at your business vision, and your marketing plans, make sure they are things you feel good about. If they make you feel a bit slimy, they are NOT right for you!

When getting help with marketing, the first thing any marketing coach, or consultant should do, is get to know you, and to get to know your business vision. If they don’t seem to be “getting” that, then they are not going to be able to help you market successfully, because they won’t know who you are trying to reach, and they won’t understand what really differentiates your business, because 90% of the uniqueness of your business IS you, and your unique way of doing what you do. Good marketing assistance is personal, and personalized. It isn’t a “system”, and it isn’t about making you into them. It is about drawing out what is best in you, and using that as your marketing strength.

Check out our new Cottage Industry Consulting and Development services at for personalized help in learning more effective marketing skills for YOUR business.

Deception In the Numbers

I have a thing about deceptive advertising, and deceptive promotional practices. Lately the news media has taken up the drum for various causes, and is using age old deceptive practices in the reporting of the news.

The latest one is in jobless numbers. “Jobless claims fall for fourth straight week”, the headline said.

Makes it sound like fewer people are claiming unemployment benefits, right? Wrong.

Turns out this is only the number of NEW claims that has declined by a very small amount (about 1/1000 of 1%). This means that the RATE OF INCREASE has slowed some. That is all.

Then they reported the numbers of continuing claims – and stated that the difference between this time this year, and this time last year, is good news. Down 2 million! Of course, there is no mention of the fact that in the last month or two, claims have simply run out for millions of unemployed Americans. Further, the number does NOT include people who have moved from initial benefits to extended benefits – so it isn’t even a true number on total people receiving unemployment benefits! They don’t release those numbers. They only track the initial claims, and the initial continuing claims!

So, with partial numbers, they are crowing that jobs are returning. There is no differentiation between people who got jobs, and people who moved either into extended benefits, or simply dropped out of the unemployment benefit pool altogether, but who still do not have jobs. And overall jobless rates have always been inaccurate anyway, because the only people who are counted are those who are registered with state employment agencies as actively seeking work – if a person has given up, and is not reporting weekly, they simply are not counted. Further, temporary JOBS are counted, but temporary unemployment is NOT.

Census jobs are skewing the numbers also. They have nothing to do with the economy, they occur every ten years on a planned schedule. They are very temporary jobs, and will have no lasting effect, and do not in any way reflect any positive economic change.

It would be like measuring sugar consumption in the US by measuring the number of bags of sugar sold at the grocery store. We could say that if the sale of bagged sugar fell in the retail markets, that sugar consumption is down, while ignoring sales of all other packaging of sugar, and ignoring increases in the sale of soda, cookies, candy, etc. It is disingenuous, and deceptive.

I get the feeling that the media is trying to tell us that things are better so that we’ll believe what they say, regardless of what is really happening. The amount of deception over the economy is appalling, and is happening across the board, with numbers being falsely labeled. Somehow, the media thinks that if they tell the American people often enough that things are fine, that we’ll believe it, even when our neighbors are still struggling and losing jobs, and even though our own jobs are in peril, and our businesses are facing unprecedented challenges.

I’m not a “doom and gloom” kind of person. But right now, we have to be realistic about what is happening. You cannot stay prepared and make sensible decisions when the information on which you need to base some of those decisions is false.

There are people who need the help of kind neighbors, and by being prepared, we can be givers, and not takers. Deceptive reporting is not helping anyone to achieve that goal.

Just Because It Works for Fast Food…

When you order Fast Food, you are presented with a vast array of choices, for every palette, and every appetite size. Get 20 different things, get them alone, get them with other things, get them big or small. When someone is presented with this every day, they may feel that this is just the way to do business, and that their own product or service must give everyone every conceivable choice for delivery of that product. They want their websites to always have more, and more, and more!

I think there are several reasons why the large menu of choices and groupings works for Fast Food.

Partly because they are selling to groups as often as they are selling to individuals. Individuals want quick and simple choices. They want what they like. Groups want something for everybody – which is what Fast Food has to market to. If a business sells to individuals, or single items aimed at a single decision process, many choices may not be superior to just a few well defined choices. But for stores that sell an assortment of items to groups like families, where someone needs to purchase multiple items for several different people at a time, there is a benefit from more choices.

Food is also associated with moods. So are many other industries – jewelry, clothing, entertainment, and others. A lot of choices is key, because people want what they are in the mood for, and moods are very changeable. Food is a consumable which is purchased over and over, and that purchase choice may need to change with every purchase. Jewelry and clothing are also purchased for transient use, even though articles are worn more than once, people want to own more than one, so choices are important. Conversely, if someone is purchasing a long term item that they only buy once a year or less, mood is less important. Many choices is less of a factor than making the RIGHT choice, and understanding the choice they make.

If the target market understands your offering – food is simple to explain – then many choices are less confusing than if your target market doesn’t really get how the products are different. That happens with a lot of markets where you have to educate the client as they make a choice – more choices can result in confusion if the product or service is one that people generally feel is confusing to start with. And no matter how you simplify it, there are industries where people ARRIVE with a feeling of confusion before you even get a chance to greet them! 🙂

I sell websites. More choices only confused my clients. They wanted two levels of service that were easy to understand, and a few different combinations of functions to choose from with examples of how they might be used. More than that, and they got overwhelmed.

To apply this to websites, keep choices simple for many types of industries. Offer many choices for other types. But before you go and copy the Fast Food Menu Model, make sure your business has similar needs. Otherwise you’ll work against the natural behaviors and responses of your target market.

One of Those Nightmares

She bought the software on a Thursday. On Friday, she bought the Installation Service. Normally, I’d expect to spend about 2 hours in tech support for the software purchase, and about 4 hours on the installation service. Reasonable for the cost of the two items.

I had the initial part of the work done within a few hours, while juggling it with other things. Then we ran into an issue with her hosting account. She was using a Reseller Account, and we were installing Automation software. The server had a setting which was incompatible with our system. She asked the host to change it. They said they did. But it wasn’t changed. She asked again. They asked which site she wanted it changed for. She said all of them – she needed new accounts to have that setting automatically. They said, “This setting has the name ‘protection’ in it. It exists to protect the server, if we turn it off, something will be unprotected.”

So their final answer was, “no, we can’t change this setting, because it exists, and says protection, so we have to leave it on.” Never mind that the setting doesn’t really protect anything serious, and that situations under which it would be an issue are very isolated. Every hosting company we have ever dealt with, up to this one, has had this setting off. This company left it on, out of paranoia, not out of any understanding of what it actually was. The weekend occurred during the exchange. By the time they concluded this, we were four days into things.

So she had to move hosts. She moved to our hosting – she got better help doing so that way, and we KNEW the software would all work there. Moving the sites took a day.

We had to change all of the file settings on the files since the old host required different settings than ours. When we did so, we found there were also a series of file ownership problems – we had to have support reset those on all of the sites, then we were able to reset the file permissions.

Then we had to reset her domain nameserver IPs. Turns out her old host had the domain name, and she had no controls for it. He promised to set them. They took a LONG time to resolve. She could not check them, or change them. So she moved the domain to HER reseller account in eNom. When she did so, ALL of her domain settings were lost. And eNom did not want to help her reset them. Two more days were lost.

We were trying to move the SSL certificate, but since the domain names were not resolving, that wasn’t working either. She also had bought a new SSL certificate (she did not like the way the old one displayed), and she bought a business verified one. Then she could not verify the business entity, because she is a sole proprietor with a DBA that is unregistered (this is legal in many places). So she had to ask for a refund and buy another one. We went the “quick” way, ordering it through our hosting supplier. But then we could not verify the Whois info, because she had Private Registration turned on. Her domain name, at eNom, could not be changed, and she was unable to access support from eNom, because they kept telling her she was not a reseller. We tried several tactics, a few workarounds, all of which deadended.

Our hosting support finally helped us get the domain settings correctly changed – turned out they needed an odd format to them to stick. They also allowed her to screenshot her account info for verification of her registration info to get around the Private Registration issue. That took another day to figure out. Another weekend intruded.

The domains resolved, the SSL working, there were still two errors in the billing software that operated alongside the automation software we were installing. One stopped hosting accounts from being created, the other caused a template error on the frontend of the site.

The billing manager support people solved one of the errors, which was replaced by another. They claimed they were not responsible for the template error – turns out they WERE, since she had purchased the template from them!

So we are now a week and a half into a process that should have taken only a few hours, and we still have two unresolved issues. Even with moving hosting, we should have been able to do all of this in about three days. We are both beyond exhausted, and tired of just “one more thing” cropping up as soon as the current hurdle is overcome.

I Want a Refund Because I’m an Idiot

We sell several pieces of software. We have an “It’ll Work” guarantee. In other words, if we can’t get it working for the customer, we’ll refund. We don’t refund in other circumstances – because software is copiable. Sadly, there ARE unscrupulous people who will download software, demand a refund, then use or distribute it (we’ve encountered them, and found them to be some of the nastiest people we have ever met). So in order to get a refund, we have to have tried, and failed, to get it working for the customer.

We don’t give refunds if the client says they tried and won’t let us try. User error is too high. We don’t give refunds if someone says, “I thought it did THIS” when our published documentation clearly states that it does not. And we don’t give refunds for terminal stupidity either. I know, that is harsh. I think I’m in a harsh mood today.

Two weeks ago, a client bought an auto-installer from us. He was hollering to us within minutes that it did not work, and that we did not give him instructions. Now, please note, that the software comes with a QuickStart Guide. 17 pages of instructions on how to set it up and use the software.

To set up the software, you have to do several things:

1. Create a sample install, and bundle the files to load into the installer.

2. Change the filenames in the installer config files, to match the names of your site files. (There are TWO names you have to change in several places, that is all).

3. Name the folder the same name as the Product ID in the shopping cart, and put the config and site files into it.

4. Upload that to a specific spot on the server.

He was crying about not having instructions, so I simplified the instructions in the manual, heavily shortening them for the support ticket response. He then asked me why those instructions were not in the manual (they were, and they were clearer there).

He made it clear that he HAD downloaded the QuickStart Manual, but that to him, it was deficient in some way, while my less helpful support ticket instructions were somehow superior to it (it was clear he simply did not want to read it).

He then said it was still not working. I looked. NOTHING had been done. He had unzipped our software, loaded it to the server, and wondered why nothing was working! He hadn’t set up a THING.

I gave him more instructions. He complained again. But got a little further. Several more complaints later, I finally went in and finished the job, performed a successful install, and sent him the URL for the install. Mind you, all that was wrong in the first place is that he didn’t follow instructions, and never finished the setup.

He replied a few minutes later that he had found the reason why it wasn’t working, and was making changes. He then blitzed my fix, and deleted all traces that a successful install had ever occurred. But I didn’t know this until he began hollering at me again two weeks later, demanding a refund.

The software worked on his system. What didn’t work, was the customer. I’m not sure if he could not read, was too lazy to read, or simply wanted to try to bully someone else into doing the work for him. I don’t think he has enough technical smarts to be successful at what he wants to do, because he doesn’t seem to have a grasp on structures and processes that he needs to have.

Anyway, I explained that it had been working.

He said that since he had not seen it, obviously it had never worked.

I told him I’d set it up again.

He told me he wanted a refund. Refused to even answer about the offer to fix it.

I told him his situation did not warrant a refund, but if he provided the install files for the site he wanted installed, I’d set it up for him again.

He then began threatening, in no less than three emails. He’d report me to the BBB (that’s a joke, so no threat there), he’d tell everybody how horrid I am, unless I gave him a refund or the upgrade to the version that is 3 times the cost of the one he paid for, and the “full manual”.

My response was to ask him why he did not want me to fix it, that I could have it fixed within half an hour.

I also informed him that if he did choose to blacken my name, I’d remove any sensitive info from the support emails, and make those public, so anyone who wondered whether he was telling the truth or not could judge for themselves. (Anyone who saw his frank stupidity would know that we had honored our agreement fully.)

I added that the Technical Manual had NOTHING in it that pertained to the version he had bought, it only had info for the Full version, and that the Full version would do him no good since it worked the same was as the less expensive version, which he had been unable to figure out.  I finished by telling him I refused to be blackmailed by threats into issuing a refund against our policies, or into giving him a free copy of our expensive software.

His next response was by email – apparently in an attempt to avoid saying anything else on the support ticket that I could make public! He demanded that I fix it today or give him a refund. I informed him that he’d have to send me the files (which I’d already told him three times previously). Not sure what his response to that will be.

There are those who say, “just give the refund”. But when someone starts trying to blackmail me, and when they are clearly NOT entitled to a refund according to our terms, I don’t feel it is wise to give in. We created our terms very thoughtfully, and for sound reasons. Those reasons are to protect one of the pillars of our business from theft and fraud, and are as important as avoiding a dissatisfied customer.

I have given free upgrades to dissatisfied customers who were having problems we could not immediately solve when the less expensive version was new and all the bugs had not been worked out. But this time I knew it worked. I knew there was no problem with the software, and this guy was not being honest, or even rational. He gave me every reason to believe that he was in fact, just trying to scam me. So a refund is not an option.

If he does send the files, I will be documenting every step with screenshots, and with witnesses. And he will be informed that if I have to fix it again, I will charge him for it.

I hate dealing with unpleasant customers. But I am WAY beyond the point of feeling like I have to grovel and MAKE them satisfied, because frankly, it is impossible to do that with many people. Instead, we have written good, and very fair policies, and we stick to them. When people get unpleasant and expect to be an exception, we stick to the policies anyway. They have a purpose, and if we let people bully us into making unwarranted exceptions, we aren’t helping them, or ourselves any at all.

UPDATE: Client did not provide the files necessary to set up his installer. So I duplicated one of my own installers for another system (he wanted ZenCart, I used Joomla), put that into his hosting, and the installer again works perfectly. I documented with screenshots, so I can prove that it does indeed work.

Two Software Releases for VirtueMart

We just released VirtueMart Flex Tax, and SIM Flex Payments for VirtueMart. So what is new and special about these add-ons?

VirtueMart Flex Tax started out as a means of calculating Canadian Taxes. There is another option out there for this, but it is clunky, overly complicated, and requires modification of way too many site files (this makes sustainability difficult). The use is also overly complicated and unintuitive. We also had US clients that needed VM to do things that it did not do. VM Flex Tax was designed to elegantly handle a range of tax computation limitations in VirtueMart.

Rather than developing a “Canadian Tax Patch” for VirtueMart, we developed a Flex Tax add-on that addresses all the needs we saw in VM. Instead of saying “We need to handle Canadian Taxes” or “We need a solution for Florida or Chicago Taxes”, we started with functional needs. We identified four needs types:

  1. VirtueMart did not allow multiple level taxes. In other words, you could not do a Country Tax, and then separate State Taxes, and then City Taxes to easily and elegantly handle many levels of taxes without having to set up combined taxes for each location (some laws require a breakdown in tax readout on checkout). So we wanted to be able to set a global Country tax, then State or Province taxes which would add to the Country tax, and then a City tax if needed, so we had a flexible three tiered computation.
  2. VirtueMart did not allow proper control over how the taxes were charged. It offered “By Vendor” and “By Purchaser”. Problem with that, is some locations require that taxes be charged by the billing address, some by the delivery address, and some by both (Florida and several other states do this). So we expanded those options to cover all the bases.
  3. VirtueMart did not handle shipping taxes in any way that was actually useful for most store owners. Most states that charge tax on shipping require that it be computed on the same basis as the product taxes, but VM was simply not capable of being bullied into this basic logic (it only allows you to set a single tax rate for shipping, and won’t charge a different rate by location of the buyer – and it only allows you to charge tax on shipping at all if the tax computation is set to Vendor based taxing!). So we added in the function to choose “Same as Product” for shipping tax computation. Because we did not want to lose any function (in case anyone actually needed the convoluted method that VM currently provided) we also added in an option to preserve the previous function.
  4. VirtueMart had a single tax readout on checkout. Many areas require a breakdown of the taxes charged in the readout. Previous coders who provided solutions for this required that you use THEIR VM template to achieve this function. Our coder (brilliant guy, really!) did not use that method, but coded the function into the core files, so it works with any template.

This new add-on provides function for a wide variety of situations, in the simplest possible manner. It was designed to allow you to pick and choose the functions you need, so that you can use them in almost any combination, to meet the needs of  US and Canadian taxes, pretty much no matter where you are.

Our second release is the SIM Flex Payment Module. offers two ways of processing payments. The standard method collects CC data on YOUR site, then transmits it to AN. This provides PCI compliance headaches for small merchants, because the security burden rests squarely on them. The AN SIM method of processing payments transfers the customer to AN before any CC data is entered in, meaning that AN assumes the risk for all PCI compliance (this is the same method used by PayPal standard). This is a huge financial relief for very small merchants.

We discovered while researching options for this kind of module, that many other CC Gateways offer “ Emulation Mode”.  This means that we could code a single module, and have it work for more than one gateway. We have simply added new Gateways as our clients have requested. It currently supports:

  • Eprocessing Network
  • Internet Secure (Canadian)

Again, our coder approached it from a very elegant coding stance, and simplified it so that it requires minimal user complexity.

Developer licenses are available for both modules, allowing installs on unlimited sites.

FaceBook LESS Effective for Business than Ryze

We used to love Ryze, before it fell. Now it is not trafficked enough to be worth spending time there. But it sure did work. We got probably 2/3 of our business from relationships on Ryze. Because they were all business, and predominantly startups and WAHMs. A high concentration of a very effective target market.

FaceBook has been much less successful. It takes more work to get fewer responses. Because it is a mix, it is like shouting to the whole world, instead of being able to talk quietly to people who are interested.

There are those who may disagree with me, but you really can’t just establish a presence on FaceBook and be yourself, and get business from it. You could do that on Ryze.

On FB, you have to plan and work very hard at targeting, and attracting people, and then the majority of them are not interested in business relationships. It is a very scattered approach to promotion, and you can only narrow it so far by using Pages or other features, because FB was not intended as a marketing venue to begin with.

I’m not suggesting that FB is not worth the effort. I think it is. But the return rates for my time are far lower than they were on Ryze. Perhaps 10% or less.

Sadly, Ryze is a dead duck, and there is nothing out there that comes close to replacing it. It worked for a number of reasons, and while many Ning sites have tried to duplicate the function, they have yet to provide anything that is convenient to use and effective. Instead, they require a good deal of inconvenience to use them. One reason Ning groups hang around the fringes of social networking, but rarely become anything more than fringe sites.

The small business, WAHM, Startup, and side business market is not being effectively served online at this point. It is a huge niche, waiting to be plumbed. Ryze had it, then lost it, and most of them are still fumbling around trying to make other systems work, without the ability to use a system tailored to their needs.

So we keep working at FaceBook. And we keep missing the effectiveness of Ryze.

Update, 2013: A few people I knew from Ryze have “gone back”. But they seem to do so out of stubborn nostalgia, rather than any amount of effectiveness. Ryze is still dead, except for a few thriving groups that seem to serve networkers from Asia.

Not All Hosting is Created Equal

Hosting is just web space. You throw your site in there, and your site shows up. You create an email account, and the email works. What does it matter how good the hosting is, there is little difference between features and conveniences, right?

If you are a site owner, that is wrong. Hosting can be the difference between a site that works, and one that doesn’t. Charges by a webmaster for extra time spent dealing with hosting flakiness, or paying only minimum fees. Backups that save you from catastrophy, or those that just shrug and look puzzled when you need them.

If you are a webmaster, hosting is even more important. You may spend hours of time troubleshooting site systems, and never realize it is due to the way a web host has configured their server. You may spend time troubleshooting or setting file permissions and think it is normal and required (it isn’t). You may have to deal with delays and problems that you just can’t solve, and spend time bouncing back and forth with support emails trying to figure out why things keep breaking, and not even realize that these things DON’T happen with all web hosts.

The problem is, most of the problems DO happen with 75% of web hosts. Finding the good ones is really difficult. It takes a lot of experience, trial and error, and then paying attention to what is efficient and what is not.

For the site owner, they may only know what their webmaster tells them – that it always is this hard, that it is always this costly, etc. And many webmasters simply never reach the point of doing high volume business, because they spend their time fussing around with things they don’t need to be dealing with at all. They land with a host, and never change, because they never realize there is anything better available.

Today, I helped a student move a website from our hosting to another web host. They used the same control panel that we do, which was a blessing, but that is where the simplicity ended. She had to move the site, test it and troubleshoot file permissions, and then re-move it within the site to activate it. We got as far as moving it and testing it. We knew we’d have file permission issues, but we didn’t expect database issues. Ones that completely stopped us, necessitating a call for help to Support.

That is actually pretty typical. Problems tend to land in several predictable categories, and one huge unpredictable one:

1. Unfamiliar and disorganized control panels. If you use one of these, you may not even realize you do. You may love it. But you also may not realize what is really possible – and you may not realize the value of functions that your control panel doesn’t even have. We love Cpanel. It is easy to find anything we need, and it just DOES things other Cpanels don’t. Don’t believe me? Try finding a way to compress a batch of files for fast and accurate download (large batches of files download faster and more accurately when compressed – almost no file truncation issues). Try finding a way to decompress a site package after upload through your hosting panel (again, this is more accurate, not to mention WAY faster, and reduces the number of broken file issues). Since file truncation is a prime reason for site malfunction, those two features alone are worth real money. They save us time coming and going. AWStats and Fantastico are just icing.

2. File Permissions. If your server is set up the “classic” way, you have to set file permissions on dynamic site structures. This is a waste of your time – and troubleshooting them is even more of a waste of your time. This kind of system also presents higher security risks, and is now NOT recommended in the better web service circles. The alternative is to use a host that uses PHPsu, or SuExec (essentially the same thing). PHP is run in a different way, so file permissions work differently. They are never set higher than 755 for a folder, or 644 for a file. If they are, you get a 500 Internal Server Error. Fixing that is EASY, you don’t even have to find the culprit! Just use an FTP program (FireFTP does this nicely) to set ALL of the folders and the folders inside them to 755, and then to set ALL of the files in the site to 644, and you are done. Never troubleshoot file permissions again! And Joomla runs nicely without having file ownership issues too (you know, when you can’t delete a file because you are not the file owner?). This factor has saved us literally WEEKS of time over the last two years.

3. Server settings. Many hosts disable functions for “security” reasons, or for “resource management” reasons. In other words, they think  the function might allow someone to exploit the server, or that if they let you use the function, you will use too much of the server’s resources. This can involve turning off functions so you cannot use them (so programs just don’t run at all on your server), lowering resource limits (so things don’t function, or function badly), or not having required support programs installed (causing your programs to not run). If you don’t know why these things are happening, you may spend hours or days troubleshooting, and get nowhere. Many VERY large webhosts do this. We’ve experienced it personally with GoDaddy, Netfirms, IMhosted, and a little company called 500MegsWebHosting.

4. Server overload. Ok, so most of the big hosting companies do something called “overselling”. They sell you an “unlimited” package. They are banking on the fact that most people never use more than a tiny bit of hosting space and bandwidth (the average site for startups is less than 100MB and takes well under 2000 MB of Bandwidth per month). But you really AREN’T unlimited! They just don’t tell you what the real limits are. The real limits are hidden limits – resource limits that you will hit if your site gets very busy. It also means they are loading a LOT of sites onto that server – as many as it will hold. The more loaded it is, the slower it gets.

5. Issues with Backups. Most hosting companies do weekly overwrites. That means they backup once a week, and overwrite the last backup. So if your site is hacked on Saturday, and you discover it on Sunday, too bad. The problems from Saturday have already been backed up, and are now the only copy. Good server backups can save you all kinds of time. Much easier to restore from the day before than to diagnose and repair catastrophic issues with a site. Sure, you can do manual backups, and you SHOULD, at least once a month, even if your hosting does do good backups. But having that safety net there can save you oodles of time and grief. We’ve had to completely rebuild complicated sites when disasters occurred, before we implemented better backups. Not only no fun, but again, a colossal waste of time.

6. Unpredictable, random things. These are the worst. You just never know what might not work, when it might not work, and what kind of thing you may have to deal with. I run into odd things all the time, and the variety of configurations for a server are huge! We market a piece of software with two basic requirements: It needs Cpanel, and WHMCS. Ok, so we already know the users are using a Linux server, and the control panel they are using is the same. But the varieties of configurations means that literally 50% of the installs of our software have to have some kind of adjustment made to make them work on someone else’s server configuration! And that is DOWN from 80% when we first launched the software! There are just a LOT of variables, that can be set in any number of combinations, which can cause effects that you just cannot predict. This means that the amount of your time that a hosting company can waste can never be FULLY predicted when you are dealing with a new company. You can only pre-assess a certain amount of pending problems. The rest will lurk like gremlins to sabotage your day when you least expect it.

So I can tell you about this, and you probably won’t really even believe that it can be a hassle until you experience it. When I tell my students that they really don’t want to have to handle other hosting companies, they say, “Yeah, well this is what the client wants, what am I gonna do?” But after the issues today, my student said, “What a pain! I’m going to charge them a $100 surcharge if they use their own hosting!” Suddenly, after experiencing it, she knew exactly what I meant, and exactly how much it could cost her!

We found a company that we absolutely LOVE, for their server setup, and for their good support and helpfulness. When we went to our own dedicated server, we went through this same company, to ensure that the functions were configured the same. We then tweaked a few settings to more closely meet our needs, and to enhance security without compromising function. Having found a good thing, we did not want to have to figure it out all over, or end up losing ground when we should have been moving up.

I have realized that I simply do not have the time in my life to spend troubleshooting completely needless problems. I don’t have the time to fuss with things when I could move it to another server and simply never have to deal with similar issues. Sure, I can charge extra, but why do I want to spend my time doing things that are completely useless to myself, and to the client? Why do I want to keep wasting my time and the client’s resources?

I charge a surcharge to install anything onto another hosting company’s space, and it is a hefty one. Because every time I take it on, I’m gambling with my schedule.

This is so important to us, we even offer free hosting to our clients. Because it is worth the savings in time and frustration.

All hosting isn’t created equal, and you DON’T have to just choose your set of evils. You CAN have hosting that saves time and hassles.

Software Pricing Models

It has been a real struggle to come up with successful software pricing models. We’ve found some patterns and concepts that just conflict in real life, making balancing needs of clients with demands on developers very difficult.

We have a piece of software, which provides advanced automation for webmasters. Now, this software saves a webmaster anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours PER use. That is still time they can charge for in many cases, but they don’t have to do the grunt work, the software simply does it. It was never meant for startups – startups really don’t NEED this automation. It is a tight niche software – only works for webmasters who use two specific platforms. So the target market will never be that big.

So, we have two kinds of customers – those who ask us why it is so cheap, and are suspicious because it is, and those who keep asking us why it has to cost so much. It is priced at $395 for the full version, but we usually have discounts on that (big ones). The Light version is $99. Interestingly enough, most complaints AREN’T about the price of the full version. They are about the price of the LIGHT version! We’ve also had prospects email us and ask us whether we would sell them the Full version for less than the price of Lighter. We had to say no, because we simply cannot support it for that.

In many instances, you can increase revenues on software by making up for it in volume. With this one, we can’t do that, for two significant reasons:

  • The market isn’t large enough. It is a tight niche market, one that is difficult to reach through marketing, and the customer base will never be that large. So there just aren’t enough prospective customers to get high volume.
  • The support is fairly intensive. It ranges from conflicts with server settings, to user typos, to coder typos (hey, they happen), to Failure to Read the Manual. It averages about 1-2 hours per sale. With that kind of support need, we just CAN’T drop the price down and hope to make money by doing so.

So the next suggestion was to drop the price and offer it with NO support, and then charge for support. Hmmm. That’s fine, except you STILL have to support it when it is a typo in the manual or a bug in the code, or a server conflict, because those are things WE are responsible for fixing. But we never know until we get into it which it is (often it is a combination of things, our responsibility and client responsibility). So you can’t just say “no support”, you still have to support it. And since clients can’t draw the line, and we don’t know until we look which type of problem it is, there is no effective way to manage a paid support system and still get paid. Too complicated.

The last one was that we go to a subscription model. Ok, we are going in that direction, but it is, in some ways, counterproductive. In order to implement a subscription model, we need additional programming to track and activate and deactivate the software for paid or overdue accounts. That increases our development and maintenance costs. This means that people are not going to get this for what they want to pay for it – it will still cost them more per month than the cheap ones want to pay.

I don’t feel obligated to please everyone. Basically, I feel that this software is best for established webmasters, NOT for startups. That is who our pricing is for. If they develop it for themselves, they will find they are investing thousands of dollars into coding. We ask them for about a tenth what they’d spend, and they get it now, instead of also having to spend a year developing and testing it.

No one else is offering anything like it, because people who do develop software like it either keep it in house, or they burn out in the development process and do not want to have to support it. Most don’t even finish it if they start coding it, because it is much more difficult than it seems.

It is simple to look at a piece of software from the outside and say, “this should not be so expensive!”. And it is easy to make the developer the bad guy when something doesn’t work as expected for our particular use. But software development is HARD, and supporting it can completely eat up every single penny of profit. So when faced with constant complaints about cost, and a huge drain on resources from support, many companies drop support to nothing, and lower the cost of the software. Their reputation drops too – but people don’t complain quite so loudly because they didn’t lose as much. But that isn’t who we want to be.

I’ve considered just raising the price to $500 and letting it go. Let those who are ready for it pay for it, give them red carpet treatment, and thumb my nose at the rest. But I’m not sure that is the right course either.

Pricing models are often more complex than outsiders assume they are, and the pricing model chosen for a business has to be right for the complexity of factors in that business specific. It isn’t the only factor in success – it is an important one, but to work, has to be combined with other well balanced factors.

We’re continuing to work with the variables to reach that balance.

I’ll Be There, Count On It!

A friend of ours held a Thanksgiving dinner in town. Hordes of people from nearby towns praised the idea, said how much it was needed, and promised to be there. A handful of people showed up, and none of the people who vowed to be there were part of the group.

Another resident here held a free dinner. Again, people promised to be there, and about 20 actually showed. This from three local towns.

I’m not exactly criticizing those who said they’d be there and weren’t. We had a wedding on the day of the free dinner, and it took precedence. That is just life. So I’m really just trying to make a comment on the law of averages.

Out here in Wyoming, where you count things by the each, such numbers are easy to analyze. When sixty people promise to show, and three show up, you NOTICE. You might not notice it so much in a larger area where you don’t personally contact everybody, and where the absence of a few might not matter so much. I think that the tendency to promise to be there, and then to not show is pretty universal though, and affects a range of aspects of operating a business, especially where actually PAYING for something is concerned.

Three weeks ago we got three calls about our software. All three promised they’d be buying within the next 24 hours. One purchased three days later. One purchased just yesterday. Another has yet to do so. Statistically, this is actually way better than average.

Early on in business, when we are just starting out, we get into conversations with people, and when someone promises to call, we get all excited, figuring we all but have our first customer. Then weeks pass and they never call. We quickly learn that more people SAY they will, than actually do.

The tendency in people is to express interest, even if they are not interested, to avoid hurting feelings. They will also promise to call, then promptly forget, say they’ll be somewhere, then look at their calendar and realize they have a conflict, or just plain not feel like going when it comes down to the date.

It is important that business owners understand that tendency, and not count the interest or bank on sales until they are actually made. It is also important that you adjust what people SAY when you are making projections, or analyzing poll or survey data – another place where people tend to exaggerate interest or commitment.

I don’t think there are any simple rules for doing so either, because it can depend on many factors. But in general, you need to water things down by at least 90%, because we find when we get 10% of the number who claim an interest to actually show up, or 10% of the people who say they will purchase to actually make the purchase, that we are doing fairly well. It can be much lower than that though, with some promotions.

When they say they’ll be there, don’t count on it. Take it with a grain of salt. Believe in people, but understand that what they say, and what they do, won’t always be the same, and it won’t always be because they are unreliable or untrustworthy. It is just how life is.

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