It is Really Happening For Medicine Bow… I think…

“I’m thinking about starting a business…” is something I hear every day, even in this tiny town. Well, maybe not every day, because there just aren’t that many people here, but often enough that it is no longer something I get excited about. If it meant anything, I WOULD be excited about it!

Starting a new business is ALWAYS something to get excited about! But here, thinking about it means just that. They are thinking about it. Pretty soon, they’ll stop thinking about it. Most of us are that way.

Lately though, I’ve been hearing something different. “I’m waiting for my lawyer to get back to me on this issue so I can start my business…”, “When I finish training, we’ll be starting our business, on (date)…”, or “Construction has started so this business can open soon, and regular progress is being made…”

It ain’t a done deal, but it is quite different. These people are WORKING on it! They are actually doing something more than THINKING!

Don’t get me wrong. Thinking is good. Every good thing starts with an idea, and proper thought and planning can make a dream a reality when lack of them means disaster. But if you want it to actually HAPPEN, you have to roll up your sleeves and get to work! These people are doing that. And when they start doing that, I begin to have faith that they’ll accomplish it, because I know that while I don’t accomplish 100% of everything I work on, I at least produce something positive through the effort.

There is an aire of excitement here. I don’t know if I am the only one who feels it, but it is very real to me. Something is happening. It is small, and slow, but gathering speed. And I like that.

I like to see people step out and try. I love to help them get the groundwork laid, and to know where to go to learn how to do it in a way that will work for them. Having cool stuff go on around me, in my own town (FINALLY!), is very heady.

The only thing I wish is that it would slow down a little. Because I am on the receiving end of work from at least three business projects that are developing here right now. And everybody is in a hurry, and there is just me to do the work!

But overall, I’d rather be too busy to breathe in the middle of exciting changes than to be stagnating along with everyone around me!

I finally believe that things are happening here, because I can finally see other people making an effort to make things happen.

There is a difference between thinking about it and actuall doing it. Even if you are not ready to launch yet, if others can see that you are working, they are more likely to believe it will happen.

I can’t wait to see how it all turns out!

Grow a Garden!

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